Bandeira and Capelli ceramics

The project consists of Bandeira and Capelli Ceramics, which are two small and prototypical red ceramic industries. Capelli Ceramic produces chiefly roof tiles, while Bandeira Ceramic produces bricks. Both mainly target the market in Alagoas and other states of the Brazilian northeast region.

The fuel utilized in the baseline scenario to cook the ceramic devices was native wood from the Atlantic Forest biome and Caatinga biome. The Atlantic Forest biome is considered one of the global hotspots due to the enormous biodiversity of fauna and flora and the great threat to its integrity.

When originally it encompassed an area of around 1.3 millions of km², this biome now covers a region of approximately 95,000 km². The forest is the second major forest of South America and is located on the Brazilian coast.




  • Contributes to no further deforestation of the Atlantic Forest and Catinga biomes. This fuel switching project activity will reduce the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions through the substitution of native wood from deforestation activity for renewable biomasses to generate thermal energy.
  • The project activity will generate thermal energy without stimulating deforestation by using an abundant renewable biomass (coconut husk, bamboo, sawdust and sugar cane bagasse).


  • The project contributes to generate jobs and to social development, besides the environment, it says that this project it helps for the sustainable development. The Bandeira Ceramic has 99 employees and the Capelli Ceramic has 95 employees.
  • Moreover, the work in the productive process requires high physical effort, and makes difficult the insertion of women in these types of functions. The Bandeira Ceramic has three women exercising functions at the administration. In regard with the handicap bearer’s inclusion, the ceramic has five employees that work in the company. However, Capelli Ceramic has not handicap employees, but has four women working in the administration, and one in the production.


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