“Grup Caixa d’Enginyers” remains neutral in emissions

“Grup Caixa d’Enginyers” remains neutral in emissions

“Grup Caixa d’Enginyers” is a carbon neutral organization for the second consecutive year. The organization offsets the CO2 emissions of all the companies included in the Group, reaffirming its commitment to the environment and the fight against climate change, to achieve a low-carbon society committed to sustainability.

Itram Higiene an organization that reaffirms its commitment to the fight against climate change

Itram Higiene an organization that reaffirms its commitment to the fight against climate change

Responsibility policy is the environment and, in particular, the fight against climate change. For this reason, in 2019 Itram Higiene took on the responsibility of managing its carbon footprint by calculating and offsetting the CO2 emissions generated from its activity and defining future reduction actions.

Cellnex Telecom offsets the direct emissions of the activity of the whole group

Cellnex Telecom offsets the direct emissions of the activity of the whole group

With a firm commitment to sustainability, Cellnex Telecom calculates the carbon footprint and offsets direct emissions of greenhouse gases (scope 1) generated in Spain since 2015. This year, it goes one step further and offsets emissions from scope 1 generated by the whole group (Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands and UK) during the year 2019.

CaixaBank, a 100% emissions neutral bank with Clean CO2

CaixaBank has turned the fight against climate change into a basic pillar in its Socially Responsible Banking Plan. The company calculates its carbon footprint annually and, since 2013, offsets its corporate emissions through the Clean CO2 brand. The calculation and offset are part of the entity’s Carbon Neutral Project, which also contemplates emissions reductions and the purchase of renewable energy.

The BRI Restaurant offers innovative and sustainable gastronomy

The BRI Restaurant offers innovative and sustainable gastronomy

The BRI Restaurant, located in Palma (Mallorca), offers innovative gastronomy and services, following the new trends with product of proximity and seasonal food. In addition to this, aware of the climatic problem of the current society, it has an active policy of reduction of emissions that consists of several lines of action: reduction of food waste, energy efficiency, water, waste prevention and recycling, calculation, reduction and compensation of the carbon footprint.

“Unidad Editorial” is committed to the carbon neutrality of its events

“Unidad Editorial” is committed to the carbon neutrality of its events

Coinciding with the World Environment Day, the newspapers 'El Mundo', 'Marca' and 'Expansión' organize the event "Partnerships for a Sustainable World", in which they bring together some of the great national companies that have been showing the best practices in sustainability, as well as several of the leading experts in the field.
The objective of this edition is to give value to the transforming power of the economic, social and environmental alliances, and their impact on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.